my New season being a peace TreE ~ with Jesus ~
just when I could not take it anymore at Tom's house
I cryed out to my father God dec 6 2010.. I never ever once doubted my Father's timing
the more and more time I spent with the Holy Ghost!
All my worries were gone ..I just got so upset one evening with my father
I was so burned out in that place in Littlerock, and one morning my father God
had everthing on order .. Bear root season in December he moved my peace tree
to the Lovely Tehachapi Mountains.
I Love my home we found..
I'm close to my Mother and my Brother's
my Son Danny is here.
Now it's been over 2 years since my Father God pulled me from the Churches and Christianity
and oh boY when Jesus said to me follow me and you will be hated just like me
and it will be done in my name ... he is 100% right. even the so called people that believe in the new birth hate me. wow so who do I trust? the Holy Ghost. I get the christian telling I'm not supposed to be alone. that the Bible says I'm to fellowship with other Christians. Why so I can be lied too? I say to them. I say I have the Holy Ghost 24/7 I fellowship with him. and than I get I don't know what I'm talking about.. because I don't believe in the speech of man. over the Living word of God.. I just can't do it anymore. Lord please give me the mercy to be around people that don't see it the same way as you have shown me.
all the Churches are the same so far..
I don't have anyone here that understands me not worried about it, I have the truth in my spirit Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ he has not put a unity,
of believers in my path Yet!! it's in his hands and timing. Lord teach me to keep meditating on your spirit only give me what you want my spirit to have .. thank you so much Jesus
my Mother still don't trust that you Jesus have shown me the truth I pray she see's what you have been showing her already.. Please God wake my family Up .. the people God has put in my path from the churches that i use to got too......
think, it's dangerous for me to believe, the way I do... I trust Jesus Christ the one and Only one My father God sent. Jesus Dwells in my spirit 24/7 how can this be wrong? Jesus went out alone all the time to be with our father God so if it worked for him why not for me too? He's the one I follow ~
Fellowship ~ I have a few friends on Face Book I love sharing My heart and Love of my faith on there ~ I don't get as lonely any more.I sure miss my grandson and my daughter and son Keith ..
when I do get lonely.. I just go to Jesus he takes the loneliness away he's teaching me a lesson,I have to be honest I do miss a good hug :)
and human contact, but not so much anymore. my spirit is with Jesus he's everything to me and more than human contact~ he fills my spirit up ~~~~
when my flesh starts to wonder I go to my Jesus too and before i know it were speaking in the Holy Spirit everywhere I go now smiles.. when Jesus wants me to tune out what the world thinks about him. he comes on stronG and he takes me out !! to Our Place mE and Jesus .. Just like he always has ever since the first time I fell in Love with mY Jesus ..when i was little girl <3
I want what Jesus wants for me. and for now I see he wants me to himself we still Love to seat on a swing in the park~ I sure need some help getting into shape loosing a few pounds never hurts.. help me get motivated Lord sooN ... I share my spirit ~~~
where ever I go and with who ever my Father God put's in front of me.. Jesus Christ is my rest,peace, my firsT Love I get it now...
I pray for God to put a unity of believers that get's the new birth the same way God has shown me that's when I will know God put it together , my God is the only one I trust. Thank you so much for pulling me aside, In Littlerock Lord thank you for this gift of staying Still and being in Love with your gift you gave us all.. your son Jesus makes me smiles inside and out I Love you so deeply.
Lord your many mercy's blow me away ... I don't watch much News anymore for it just put's fear into so many people's ...
I hurt when I hear about the little ones that get abused. I don't understand it. the evil in this world, I pray for your mercy on the wars in the world. and I pray everyone finds the Holy Spirit .
I sure don't know what your plan is God when it comes to this world or when you plan on returning Jesus I don't believe you ever left.. I just Hope I pass all of the test you give me and when my judgment day comes I pray I go with you to paradise .My Life leason have been hard and some not so bad .I know My God is in control of everything ....I know you are a very Big Big Big God my Holy Ghost With a Mighty Rushing wind of Fire ~
Thank you I praise you Lord you make me glad I'm alive Now in this Time..
Lord I pray it's in your will to end the war on the plant of Kindness Hemp.. Father God if you don't want me to be the a part of this fight as far as political side, please make it clear too me.. for I know your in control of this plant as well. and if you don't want me voting anymore clear this up please~
Lord teach me to be Like you Jesus help me be your shadow in everything I do~
I never want to shame you Lord. when ever I say anything about my faiTh in you..Please
let me be your light everywhere you send me. this little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine shine shine ~ I pray your spirit shines in me so much that it will blind a unbeliever into being a believer in the Holy Ghost :))
I believe in my Living prayers~ guide me my Holy One .... I Love being a peacH ~ peacE ~ treE~ such a greaT placE ~
youR my HolY GhosT 24/7 smileS :) <3 mE & JesuS ChrisT ~
just when I could not take it anymore at Tom's house
I cryed out to my father God dec 6 2010.. I never ever once doubted my Father's timing
the more and more time I spent with the Holy Ghost!
All my worries were gone ..I just got so upset one evening with my father
I was so burned out in that place in Littlerock, and one morning my father God
had everthing on order .. Bear root season in December he moved my peace tree
to the Lovely Tehachapi Mountains.
I Love my home we found..
I'm close to my Mother and my Brother's
my Son Danny is here.
Now it's been over 2 years since my Father God pulled me from the Churches and Christianity
and oh boY when Jesus said to me follow me and you will be hated just like me
and it will be done in my name ... he is 100% right. even the so called people that believe in the new birth hate me. wow so who do I trust? the Holy Ghost. I get the christian telling I'm not supposed to be alone. that the Bible says I'm to fellowship with other Christians. Why so I can be lied too? I say to them. I say I have the Holy Ghost 24/7 I fellowship with him. and than I get I don't know what I'm talking about.. because I don't believe in the speech of man. over the Living word of God.. I just can't do it anymore. Lord please give me the mercy to be around people that don't see it the same way as you have shown me.
all the Churches are the same so far..
I don't have anyone here that understands me not worried about it, I have the truth in my spirit Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ he has not put a unity,
of believers in my path Yet!! it's in his hands and timing. Lord teach me to keep meditating on your spirit only give me what you want my spirit to have .. thank you so much Jesus
my Mother still don't trust that you Jesus have shown me the truth I pray she see's what you have been showing her already.. Please God wake my family Up .. the people God has put in my path from the churches that i use to got too......
think, it's dangerous for me to believe, the way I do... I trust Jesus Christ the one and Only one My father God sent. Jesus Dwells in my spirit 24/7 how can this be wrong? Jesus went out alone all the time to be with our father God so if it worked for him why not for me too? He's the one I follow ~
Fellowship ~ I have a few friends on Face Book I love sharing My heart and Love of my faith on there ~ I don't get as lonely any more.I sure miss my grandson and my daughter and son Keith ..
when I do get lonely.. I just go to Jesus he takes the loneliness away he's teaching me a lesson,I have to be honest I do miss a good hug :)
and human contact, but not so much anymore. my spirit is with Jesus he's everything to me and more than human contact~ he fills my spirit up ~~~~
when my flesh starts to wonder I go to my Jesus too and before i know it were speaking in the Holy Spirit everywhere I go now smiles.. when Jesus wants me to tune out what the world thinks about him. he comes on stronG and he takes me out !! to Our Place mE and Jesus .. Just like he always has ever since the first time I fell in Love with mY Jesus ..when i was little girl <3
I want what Jesus wants for me. and for now I see he wants me to himself we still Love to seat on a swing in the park~ I sure need some help getting into shape loosing a few pounds never hurts.. help me get motivated Lord sooN ... I share my spirit ~~~
where ever I go and with who ever my Father God put's in front of me.. Jesus Christ is my rest,peace, my firsT Love I get it now...
I pray for God to put a unity of believers that get's the new birth the same way God has shown me that's when I will know God put it together , my God is the only one I trust. Thank you so much for pulling me aside, In Littlerock Lord thank you for this gift of staying Still and being in Love with your gift you gave us all.. your son Jesus makes me smiles inside and out I Love you so deeply.
Lord your many mercy's blow me away ... I don't watch much News anymore for it just put's fear into so many people's ...
I hurt when I hear about the little ones that get abused. I don't understand it. the evil in this world, I pray for your mercy on the wars in the world. and I pray everyone finds the Holy Spirit .
I sure don't know what your plan is God when it comes to this world or when you plan on returning Jesus I don't believe you ever left.. I just Hope I pass all of the test you give me and when my judgment day comes I pray I go with you to paradise .My Life leason have been hard and some not so bad .I know My God is in control of everything ....I know you are a very Big Big Big God my Holy Ghost With a Mighty Rushing wind of Fire ~
Thank you I praise you Lord you make me glad I'm alive Now in this Time..
Lord I pray it's in your will to end the war on the plant of Kindness Hemp.. Father God if you don't want me to be the a part of this fight as far as political side, please make it clear too me.. for I know your in control of this plant as well. and if you don't want me voting anymore clear this up please~
Lord teach me to be Like you Jesus help me be your shadow in everything I do~
I never want to shame you Lord. when ever I say anything about my faiTh in you..Please
let me be your light everywhere you send me. this little light of mine I'm gonna let it shine shine shine ~ I pray your spirit shines in me so much that it will blind a unbeliever into being a believer in the Holy Ghost :))
I believe in my Living prayers~ guide me my Holy One .... I Love being a peacH ~ peacE ~ treE~ such a greaT placE ~
youR my HolY GhosT 24/7 smileS :) <3 mE & JesuS ChrisT ~
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